Enabling teachers' adoption of Self-regulated learning
The SLIDEshow Project aims to strengthen the profile of the teaching profession enabling teachers to better adopt innovative practices, in this particular case the adoption of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). In addition to offering personalised training to primary school and lower secondary school teachers, the project will equally enhance the professional competencies of teacher educators in order to help them better support, monitor, and personalise the professional development of teachers. The project aims to design intellectual outputs that can be used on the continuum from Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and induction to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and lifelong learning. The project will for example offer support to teachers who wish to engage in self-study as part of their CPD and lifelong learning. By using mobile technologies for teacher professional development, the project brings training much closer to the authentic settings of teachers: their classroom and school. The project, therefore, contributes to teachers’ workplace learning. Finally, the project focuses on the introduction of SRL into education by up-skilling teachers in their application of SRL. Furthermore, the project will enhance the SRL skills of teachers and teacher educators. Self-regulation skills are seen as leverage for strengthening leadership at all levels in education.
Project Info
Start: 01/11/2017
End: 31/08/2020
Fund: Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU
Contact person: Koen Lombaerts
Participated BILD-members:
Project website: