Validation of transversal skills across Europe
TRANSVAL-EU is a cross-country policy experimentation with a focus on training of validation and guidance practitioners for identifying, documenting, assessing, and certifying transversal skills, including guidance of individuals in real-life national and regional pilots as well as analysing its impact on the individuals validating their competences and aims at transferring the lessons learned from the pilots (‘Units of analysis’) to other national practices and policies.
TRANSVAL-EU will address validation of transversal skills and guidance provisions both from the perspective of the practitioners as well as of the validation and guidance candidates and evaluate these simultaneously in five real-life, large-scale field trials taking account of the diversity of practices in validation and guidance in five EU countries. While these field trials take full account of the local, regional and national needs and objectives, a close coordination and cooperation as well as common research design, methodologies, methods, tools, etc. will ensure transferability of results to other contexts, regions and EU countries as well as cross countries outcomes and recommendations. The VUB is in close cooperation with other research partners responsible for the scientific evaluation of the project.
Project Info
Start: 01/03/2021
End: 31/08/2023
Fund: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU
Contact person: Koen Lombaerts
Participated BILD-members:
Project website: transvalproject